10 Slot MX2000 Chassis with Backplane installed, Spare 10 Slot MX2000 Chassis with Backplane instal..
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20 Slot MX2000 Chassis with Backplane installed, Spare 20 Slot MX2000 Chassis with Backplane instal..
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MX480 with installed backplane, Spare MX480 with installed backplane, Spare..
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PTX5000 3rd generation 2T FPC3 for full IP core, no scale restrictions PTX5000 3rd generation 2T FP..
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PTX5000 3rd generation 3T FPC3 for high scale LSR or Peering applications (half capacity) PTX5000 3..
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MX10003-BASE is a Juniper MX10003 base 2-slot chassis; includes 1 RE, 4 fan trays, 4 power supplies,..
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10 Slot MX2000 Chassis, Base with 1 RE, Fan Trays, DC Power, Discounted Switch Fabric (7 nos) 10 Sl..
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20 Slot MX2000 Chassis, Base with 1 RE, Fan Trays, AC Power, Discounted Switch Fabric (7 nos) 20 Sl..
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20 Slot MX2000 Chassis, Base with 2 RE, Fan Trays, DC Power, Discounted Switch Fabric (8 nos) 20 Sl..
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20 Slot MX2000 Chassis, Base with 2 RE, Fan Trays, Optimized DC Power, Discounted Switch Fabric (8 n..
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MX204-IR is a Juniper MX204 chassis with 3 fan trays and 2 power supplies, IR mode. The SDN-ready MX..
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MX240 DC Premium Fully Redundant "Built to Stock" System with dual Switch control board (SCBE), dual..
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MX240 Premium Chassis Bundle with Midplane. Also includes redundant RE, redundant SCB-E, redundant H..
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MX240 Premium Chassis Bundle with Midplane. Also includes redundant RE, redundant SCB-E, redundant L..
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MX240 Premium Chassis Bundle with Midplane. Also includes redundant RE, redundant SCB-E, redundant D..
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MX240 4 Slot Base Chassis with 2 AC Power Supplies, 1 SCB MX240 4 Slot Base Chassis with 2 AC Power..
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MX960 Premium Chassis Bundle with Midplane. Also includes redundant RE, redundant SCB-E, redundant A..
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MX960 14 Slot Base 3 Chassis with AC Power Supply MX960 14 Slot Base 3 Chassis with AC Power Supply..
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PTX10002-60C IR SW + JNP10002-60C-DC System with 60 100G Ports or 60 40G Ports or 192 10G Ports wit..
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PTX10002-60C R SW + JNP10002-60C-DC System with 60 100G Ports or 60 40G Ports or 192 10G Ports with..
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1-Port Gigabit Ethernet small form-factor pluggable (SFP) 1-Port Gigabit Ethernet small form-factor..
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SRX services gateway 240 with 16 x GE ports, 4xmini-PIM slots, and high memory (1GB RAM, 1GB FLASH),..
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SRX345-SYS-JB is a Juniper SRX345 Services Gateway including hardware (16GE, 4x MPIM slots, 4G RAM, ..
278 046.36 Рубль
SRX4200 hardware with two DC PSU, Four Fan Trays, RMK (hardware only, must order SRX4200-JSB/SRX4200..
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SRX4200 Services Gateway includes hardware (8x10GE, two AC PSU, four FAN Trays, cables and RMK) and ..
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SRX4200 Services Gateway includes hardware (8x10GE, two DC PSU, four FAN Trays, cables and RMK) and ..
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SRX5400 chassis, backplane installed, no fan, no power supply SRX5400 chassis, backplane installed,..
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SRX5400 Configuration 1 includes chassis, midplane, SRX5K-RE-1800X4, SRX5K-SCBE, 2xDC HC PEM, HC fan..
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SRX5400 Configuration 2 includes chassis, midplane, SRX5K-RE-1800X4, SRX5K-SCBE, 2xAC HC PEM, HC fan..
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SRX5400 Configuration includes: Chassis, enhanced midplane, SRX5K-RE-1800X4, SRX5K-SCB3, 2xHC PEM, H..
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