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Интерфейсный Модуль Juniper: JXU-1SFP-S; Описание: 1 port Small Form-Factor pluggable (SFP) Universal Physical Interface Module. SFP Tranceiver purchased separately). 100M and 1000M SFP speeds supported. Fits PIM and ePIM slots. Requires JUNOS 8.4higher;ScreenOS 6.1higher. Supports 100M and 1000M SFP Transceivers. ; Интерфейсная карта совместима с Платформой Juniper: J2320, J2350, J4350, J6350, SSG 140, SSG 320M, SSG 350M, SSG 520, SSG 520M, SSG 550, SSG 550M.
1 port Small Form-Factor pluggable (SFP) Universal Physical Interface Module. SFP Tranceiver purchased separately). 100M and 1000M SFP speeds supported.
1 port Small Form-Factor pluggable (SFP) Universal Physical Interface Module. SFP Tranceiver purchased separately). 100M and 1000M SFP speeds supported.