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Интерфейсный Модуль Juniper: ES2-GE4S1-IOA;
Описание: E320 (half-height) 4-port GE IOA (requires pluggable GE SFP transceivers). Half-height IOAs require the use of a half-height IOA bracket (ES2-IOABRKT-FRU). One bracket is needed for every two half-height IOAs sharing the same IOA slot. Please be aware of the need for IOA brackets when ordering half-height IOAs as spares. Configured systems will automatically include the appopriate number of IOA brackets.
Интерфейсная карта совместима с Платформой Juniper: E320, E120.
E320 (half-height) 4-port GE IOA (requires pluggable GE SFP transceivers).
Описание: E320 (half-height) 4-port GE IOA (requires pluggable GE SFP transceivers). Half-height IOAs require the use of a half-height IOA bracket (ES2-IOABRKT-FRU). One bracket is needed for every two half-height IOAs sharing the same IOA slot. Please be aware of the need for IOA brackets when ordering half-height IOAs as spares. Configured systems will automatically include the appopriate number of IOA brackets.
Интерфейсная карта совместима с Платформой Juniper: E320, E120.
E320 (half-height) 4-port GE IOA (requires pluggable GE SFP transceivers).