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Общая информация (L-SL-44-APP-K9=)
Cisco Application Experience License L-SL-44-APP-K9= for ISR 4431/4451 router - includes licenses for: AppX, DATA and WAASX. Cisco Application Experience License includes the key IWAN components with no additional hardware needed for features, including DATA license features, Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN), Cisco Performance Routing Version 3 (PfRv3), AVC, Network Based Application Recognition 2 (NBAR2), quality of service (QoS), etc. For WAAS Express a DRAM upgrade is required. All WAAS licensing is included with the APP license, so inclusion of the required hardware is all that is necessary. Note: The APP license does not include a SEC license.
AppX licensing with RTU for 2500 ISR WAASvirtual WAAS (vWAAS) connections.For up to 2500 ISR WAAS connections, the DRAM upgrade to 16 GB, flash memory upgrade to 32 GB, SSD network-interface-module (NIM) carrier, and two 200-GB SSDs must be included in ISR4451one 200-GB SSD must be included in ISR4431 platform.For 2500 vWAAS connections a Cisco Unified Computing System E-Series module UCS-E 140/160/180 must be included in Конфигурация with minimum 16GB of memory and 900GB disk option.
Теги: L-SL-44-APP-K9= Cisco